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Reiki Treatment

Reiki Energy Healing Session with Guided Meditation

  • Healing session of mind, body & spirit beginning with guided meditation and than reiki leaving you in a state of peace, relaxation and clarity. Session is followed intuitive energy reading & mediumship to help you through your spiritual journey. 

        ~50 minutes


Subconscious Block Removal and Chakra Alignment: 

  • Treatment begins with a personal guided meditation. Crystals are placed on specific areas of the body which help amplify and transform the intensity of the energy and its level of healing. These crystals are used to align the body's energy system by removing any blockages with in the chakras giving you a sense of peace, wholeness & clarity.  There will be and in depth intuitive energy reading and mediumship, where at times there maybe connection with loved ones who have passed to help you through your spiritual journey.

~60 minutes

Reading Time

Reiki Energy Healing Session with Intuitive reading

  • Package of 4



Subconscious Blockage Removal and Chakra Alignment

  • Package of 4


Meditation Class

Group Guided Meditation and Reiki with Intuitive Reading

This is a 50 minute Guided Meditation & Reiki in a positive group environment bringing you in to state of peace & relaxation.  The group is limited to a maximum of 4-5 people to have a more interactive healing experience . This is great for meditation and reiki beginners where you are walked through the process of meditating as well as receiving the benefits of reiki energy work. After the guided meditation and reiki, an energy interpretation is given to you as well as intuitive and mediumship reading.


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