Available Services
Quantum Transformational
Discovery Session
Initial one on one coaching session. Focus on Personal Goals and Transformation.
Reprogram your Thoughts & Mindset. Mindfulness Practice Guided Meditation with Reiki Energy healing. Intuitive Reading. 80 minutes
House or office clearing of negative energy and charging with positivity for manifestation.
Consists of:
Smudging with sage
Energy work for positive charging of your home/office
Incense, candles and crystals are used to charge the space with positivity while removal of any negative energy or blockages
Healing session of mind, body & spirit beginning with guided meditation and than reiki leaving you in a state of peace, relaxation and clarity. Session is followed intuitive energy reading to help you through your spiritual journey.
50 minutes
Angel Card Readings are a powerful way to connect with the love and guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels for Healing, Guidance, and Wisdom from beyond the physical.
Dr. Bindu Babu is trained by Renowned Past Life Regression Therapist Dr. Brian Weiss MD, Author of "Many Lives, Many Masters" Past Life Regression is a form of healing technique to access and re-experience your past lives using hypnotherapy.
Group Guided
Meditation & Reiki Classes
Guided Meditation with Reiki class is a 20 minute refreshing healing session of mind, body & spirit.
You begin your session with a guided meditation followed by Reiki leaving you in a state of peace, relaxation and empowerment.
Classes are virtual via zoom where you are open to leave your camera on or off.